Monday, November 7, 2016

Time machine narrative writing

Learning Coach:   Radha Moopanar      Date: 8 November 2016
Learning Area:        iDevelop: Speaking, Writing and Presenting                                        
Key Competency:   Using Language, Symbols and Text
NZC AO:                   Level 2 Language Features:
Students will: • Select and use sources of information, processes, and strategies with some confidence to identify, form, and express ideas.
Learning Observed
Ormiston Working Icon curiosity.jpgThis term our learners developed their curiosities in narrative writing. Saniya participated in workshops to plan, write, edit and present her writing.  The learners were introduced to narrative structure and language features.  Saniya used feedback provided by the Learning Coach and her peers to make improvements to her overall performance.  The use of a google document allowed Mrs Moopanar to provide ongoing feedback to the learners regarding their narrative content and organisation.  Saniya collaborated with other learners to practice and apply her presentation and writing skills.  The learners used devices to publish their narratives and used these publishings to observe, notice and make changes to their narratives. With support and guidance Saniya was able to share her knowledge and use appropriate structure and language to inform the audience.  It was great to see Saniya practice and apply her writing skills to develop an overall curiosity both at writing and presenting to inform.  Ka pai!
Evidence of learning
Please see the following links for Narrative presentation
Next Learning Steps
  1. Use a hook to grab the reader's attention
  2. Use the five senses to create atmosphere
  3. Use powerful verbs and adjectives

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