Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Compare and contrast map

Learners: Saniya, Louisa and Harry
Learning Coach:   Radha Moopanar         Date: 11 November
Learning Area:          iExplore                                        
Key Competency:     Participating and Contributing
NZC AO:                    Level 2 Language Features:
uses a large and increasing bank of high-frequency, topic-specific, and personal-content words to make meaning & shows an increasing knowledge of the conventions of text
Learning Observed

In iExplore we worked collaboratively in small groups to create and present our new learning with our hapu group and get feedback from them on our learning.  The focus for this particular activity was to choose two things that we learnt from our iExplore and create a compare and contrast map to share what we learnt. We share ideas for topics and make open ended questions that we can research and explore. Having the opportunity to make choices about our learning promoted self directed learning, and this increased our focus and motivation. Saniya, Louisa and Harry  recorded their compare and contrast map on a chart so all could look at them. It was great to see them make connections to their curiosities.
Evidence of learning

Next Learning Steps

  • Chose one idea to explore  and decide how you will share your learning in a variety of ways
  • How will you and your group work collaboratively to maximise learning time
  • Share learning at home

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