Monday, July 4, 2016

Learner: Saniya     Learning coach: Margaret Patrick       Date: June, 2016
Learning Area:    Maths                                    Narrative Learning story          
Learning Observed
Saniya was collaborating with of a group of learners who was being introduced to a new maths game called “Basketball Addition”.  This game is  designed for players to practice addition skills of adding two numbers to 20. The game card has an array of number totals to 20 arranged in basketballs .Players also have a set  of individual numeral/digits 0-9 cards. Players take turns to turn 2 numeral cards over and then add them together to find the total. They then place a counter on the corresponding total on the large player game card. Saniya participated and contributed to the group, watching the other players and waiting for her turn. She was able to select two cards and count the numbers together by counting every number. In the photo the digits 1 and 3 are turned over and she started with the 1 and then counted 2,3,4. She enjoyed playing the game and wanted to continue playing so she connected with Sally and set up the game on the floor. She demonstrated how she could  self manage being a responsive partner who persevered playing several games for a further 10 minutes. Saniya was demonstrating her thinking and how she was able to show her capability of counting all the numbers using a combination of imaging for numbers totalling under 6 and sometimes her fingers for larger number combinations.  Having the single digit numbers on individual cards allows the player to organise them to help them add ie; starting with the bigger number. Saniya used the sequence of how she turned over the digit cards and added the numbers in that order. She is working at NZ Maths Stage 2-3 Counting from 1 by Imaging  Level 1 of the NZ Curriculum.
Evidence of learning

Next Learning Steps
  • Automatically know facts to 10
  • Use the strategy of reorganising the order of the digits, starting with the bigger number first.
  • Use the strategy of counting on and imaging all the numbers up to 20 in her head.
  • Independently select this maths game into her Daily three activities “ Maths with Someone”.

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