Thursday, March 19, 2015

Saniya's Maths Learning Story - March 2015

Learner:  Saniya   Learning Coach:  Diana Wilkes      Date: March 19
Learning Area:  Maths
Learning Observed
WALT: count on from 5-20 using materials

In maths time today, Saniya and I were practising counting on from numbers above 5 to 20. Saniya really enjoyed playing the different games and doing the activities with the different materials.  We used dice to practice counting on- starting with adding/counting the dice and then counting on from a number I’d tell her.  She would often start counting from the number I gave her eg. 7 rather than the next number eg. 8 so practiced many times.  Saniya got better and better and her confidence grew.  Then we did some examples in her book, using the language ‘what comes next?’.  Saniya then practiced counting on using the abacus, counters and a number line.  
Evidence of learning
Screen Shot 2015-03-20 at 3.25.43 pm.png
see video. Saniya is gaining confidence in her number recognition.  I wonder if she likes to count things at home?
Key Competencies/Vision Principles
Saniya is working at Stage two in maths (IKAN test) and is demonstrating her Capabilities in counting materials one-to-one (Using Language, Symbols and Texts). She is able to recognise/read numerals to 20. Saniya is also developing her Collaborative skills as she works with others to share her knowledge and consolidate her own understandings (Relating to others/Participating and Contributing).  
Next Learning Steps
  • daily maths practice on Mathletics or other online games
  • practice writing and saying 1-20 in numerals and words every night, forwards and backwards

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