Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saniya's Garden Project

Learner: Saniya                                                             Date: October 2015
Learning Area: Project Based iExplore              Learning Coach: John Dyer                 
Learning Observed
Saniya and the Yoyos are on a mission to make our school a better place to learn and play. Over the past 2 weeks we have been researching, brainstorming and planning projects to carry out during Term 4 and beyond. There has been much excitement about the projects and how we can bring some of them to life. One of the projects Saniya has been involved in is preparing one of the planting beds for seeding. We have decided that some pumpkins will take pride of place in some of the bed and the rest is to be decided.

There was lots of collaboration going on as tools and time we shared. It was hard work clearing many of the well established weeds but Saniya persisted and worked hard to ensure the soil was ready for action. It will be exciting to observe developments in the coming weeks and to see if we can end up with a harvest of fruit and vegetables in the Summer / Autumn.

Saniya has also had the chance to pitch her own project ideas about planting and looking after an apple tree. Following a voting process, we will launch a variety of chosen projects over the coming weeks.
Evidence of learning
Here is Saniya and the Team on a information finding mission around school, searching out the best place for projects to occur.
Following on from this, we see Saniya getting involved in clearing the garden bed ready for planting.
The final result is a bed ready to produce next season’s harvest!
Key Competencies/Vision Principles being demonstrated

Thinking - Making sense of information, experiences and ideas.
Using language, symbols, and texts - Making sense of words, numbers and images.
Managing self - knowing when to lead, when to follow and when to act independently.
Relating to others - Interacting effectively in a range of contexts.
Participating and contributing - Being actively involved in school and the community

Next Learning Steps
Saniya needs to ensure her project ideas are followed up on and she has the confidence to take them from the page to an effective conclusion. She will then see and feel the value of completing a project that makes a difference to her school. This will in turn, help when moving onto his next idea as she will has the confidence of success behind her.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Sameeha and Saniya's Creative Writing Learning Story

Learners: Saniya & Sameeha    Learning Coach: T.Dillner           Date: 13.10.15
Learning Area: Literacy - Creative Writing
Learning Observed and Vision Principles
In Term 4, I am working with the Yoyos on a Tuesday specifically for Literacy. Today was our first session together and we started with a story called “Badjelly the Witch” by Spike Milligan. This was the inspiration for our Creative Writing - “Our Potion” - which encouraged them to show curiosity. The learners had to name their potion, explain what powers it gave people, write a set of make believe ingredients and describe which ingredient was the most important to have.
Sameeha and Saniya chose to name theirs ‘Stretchy’ which can make people stretchy. They had a whole range of creative ingredients including worms, stretchy clothes, leaves and chocolate to name a few. Collaboratively, they decided that the most important ingredient to include was stretchy clothes because they would add stretching power.
Sameeha and Saniya were capable of following every instruction, completing the task unassisted and handing it in before time was up. I was very impressed to see this!
Evidence of learning
Next Learning Steps
  • Next Tuesday the Yoyos group will be writing a set of instructions to tell the reader which order they need to add the ingredients to the potion and how long to boil it for.
  • Think about how the name of the Potion could be more creative or exciting.
  • Edit or change the ingredients to suit the feedback questions I have left on the bottom of the page.